Mexico itinerary completed
We appear to have crossed into an entirely different environment in Belize, having completed our Mexico itinerary.
Two months in Mexico
It’s fair to say that a lot of well-intentioned folks in the US offered some pretty intense views about Mexico and it’s people before we crossed the border.
Our itinerary was considerate of Aust & US government travel advisories (as it always is) so it would be foolish to draw any conclusions about security based on our selective itinerary. We can note that roads were particularly good in the north down through the Chihuahuan Desert and Sierra Madre mountains; and Mexican drivers - maybe a bit more so in the North than in Yucatan - proved to be highly considerate.
There’s a visible security presence and we encountered friendly and professional personnel on the occasions we were halted at a checkpoint or found ourselves rolling along behind a patrol.
Iggy in the Sierra Madres del Sur
Our experience driving and travelling through the country and interacting with regular locals has been wonderful.
The Grenadier speaks to people here as much as anywhere else and “we love your rig!” was a common refrain.
Iggy on the town square in Izamal
The new roof box mentioned above has been great so far - secure and waterproof. Couldn’t be happier and much better than the Frontrunner boxes that it replaced. KO3s are also highly recommended - grippy and quiet.
Meant to be on the lookout for flamingoes, but too busy photographing Iggy
Crossing from Chetumal in Spanish-speaking Mexico to English/Creole-speaking Belize is one of the most sudden and dramatic sociocultural transitions that we’ve seen anywhere in the world.
Iggy is powering along though and seems as happy in the tropical jungle as anywhere else.
Iggy ready for the swimsuit catalogue shoot at Akumal beach