Thinking INSIDE the box


After a final service with Trivett Land Rover Alexandria the Disco was off to Trojan Transport at Botany for loading into a 20ft container. Handy to note there’s about enough space left over to squeeze in a bike, so perhaps we might split a future shipment. If all proceeds to plan the container will transfer from the bonded storage facility to the port tonight, ready for immediate loading. The next time these doors will open is in Vladivostok!

The loaded container was weighed at some point of the process, and after subtracting the weight of the container itself I find myself with a revised curb weight for the car.

I’ll geek out in another post about the mods that we’ve made to the vehicle, but suffice that they’ve added about 30% in mass to LRs standard specification.

Adding in Han, myself, luggage and a full fuel load places us right on the gross vehicle mass/maximum laden weight for the Disco Sport.

This is great news and a little bit unexpected, as it means driveline and suspension components are operating within design parameters. Hopefully this means less failures - although that remains to be seen!




A passport for the car