As well as a brief stay in the capital Bucharest, a visit to the forest castles of Transylvania was a major attraction for us here. We left before the last rays of sunshine. Just in case. Alas Jack and I both picked up a nasty bout of food poisoning we think after a slightly old chicken sandwich, then Disco caught a cold and spent half a day in ‘limp mode’ where he won’t go over 45kms per hour until you take him to a garage. We were in luck, with the locals sorting us and clearing out a blockage in the Diesel Particulate Filter. From here we intended to cross into Serbia and visit Belgrade, but were rather embarrassingly denied entry at the border as our European third party car insurance didn’t cover Serbia. A quick internet search didn’t provide us with any quick and easy options to obtain the paperwork, so we bypassed Serbia and travelled directly to Hungary.
Visited December 2019.